Inkstų pūlinys Abscesas skrandyje ir ant jo - ar tai pavojinga?

Inkstų pūlinys

Inkstas abscesas, also called perinephritic abscess, is an accumulation of pūliai between renal tissue and the jungiamasis audinys sheath surrounding the inkstas (Gerota fascia). A renal abscesas can be caused by an inflammation of the inkstas or by a tumorous event. In this case the inkstas tissue affected by Vėžys cells decays and becomes infected.

Patients who are in intensive care, receive dializė therapy for renal insufficiency, have a weakened imuninė sistema or širdis valve disease have an increased risk of a staphylococcal kidney abscesas. People who abuse intravenous drugs also have an increased risk of kidney abscesses. A kidney abscess is noticeable in addition to symptoms such as karščiavimas, šaltkrėtis and fatigue due to šono skausmas that can radiate to the abdomen or back.

In addition, there may be a palpable lump under the skin. The skin may also be reddened at this point. The diagnosis is a kraujas test in addition to a medicinos istorija ir Medicininė apžiūra.

Inflammation values such as CRP or procalcitonin are examined. In addition, the inkstų vertės should be observed in order to detect a restriction of the kidney function at an early stage. The urine should also be examined for bakterijos.

An ultragarsas or CT examination can visualise the abscess. In addition to antibiotic therapy, it is important to remove the abscess. First of all, a drainage is inserted through the skin. If this is unsuccessful, surgical removal will be necessary.

If the abscess has burst

An abscess in the abdomen is an encapsulated collection of pūliai. The material contained in the abscess contains cells of the human imuninė sistema, dead cells and remains of dead tissue as well as a high concentration of bakterijos. If the abscess bursts, the pathogens are distributed in the abdominal cavity and sometimes cause life-threatening inflammation of the pilvaplėvės.

Šios pilvaplėvės is a smooth layer that surrounds the organs within the peritoneal cavity. Peritonitas sukelia sunkius pilvo skausmas, a weakening of bowel activity and a strong tension of the abdominal wall muscles when touched. The patient’s general būklė can deteriorate rapidly, and kvėpavimas and circulation can be increasingly impaired.

If peritonitas is not treated in time, there is a risk that bakterijos will enter the bloodstream. The result is kraujas poisoning. If an abscess bursts in the abdominal cavity, an operation must be performed under general anaesthetic.

Through an incision in the abdominal wall, pūliai and secretions are sucked out, remains of the abscess cavity are detected and repaired. The abdominal cavity is rinsed several times, whereby the rinsing fluid is usually mixed with antibiotikai or germicidal substances. Drainage tubes are placed and left in place for a few days to drain off any wound secretions that may have accumulated after the operation. The prognosis depends on the extent of the disease. The earlier treatment is initiated, the better the prognosis, so that the first signs of a ruptured abscess in the abdominal cavity require intensive medical treatment.