Sportas Bambos išvarža

Sports Strong physical exertion when lifting weights or during sports can increase the pressure in the abdominal cavity and the tension in the muscles to such an extent that pain is caused. A harmless umbilical hernia, in which there is no incarceration of the organ sections located in the hernial sac, can become problematic due … Sportas Bambos išvarža

Bambos išvarža

Synonyms in a broader sense Umbilical hernia Outer hernia Intestinal Hernia Definition The umbilical hernia (medically: the umbilical hernia) is a special form of a hernia. It is defined as the exit of viscera (usually fatty tissue and small intestine) from the abdominal cavity through a congenital or acquired gap located in one of the … Bambos išvarža

Simptomai | Bambos išvarža

Symptoms The symptoms in patients suffering from umbilical hernia can be quite different. In this context, the severity of the umbilical hernia plays a decisive role. In most cases, an umbilical hernia does not cause problems in children or adults. Nevertheless, symptoms of varying severity can occur. One of the most common symptoms of an … Simptomai | Bambos išvarža

Operacijos ir nedarbingumo atostogų trukmė Bambos išvarža

Duration of surgery and sick leave An umbilical hernia operation (umbilical hernia surgery) is always a medical emergency if the umbilical hernia starts to hurt or if bluish discoloration occurs. In this case, the constricted intestinal contents are at risk of dying off, which can then lead to a life-threatening state of shock. The costs … Operacijos ir nedarbingumo atostogų trukmė Bambos išvarža

Kūdikio bambos išvarža

Bambos išvarža paprastai yra visiškai nekenksminga kūdikio liga. Bambos išvarža yra gana dažna naujagimių ir kūdikių išvaizda. Vidutiniškai kas penktas kūdikis per pirmuosius dvejus gyvenimo metus patiria bambos išvaržą. Neišnešiotų kūdikių atveju keturi iš penkių vaikų netgi išsivysto… Kūdikio bambos išvarža