Dirbtinis trąšas

Fertilizers are used as plant protection products to provide the soil and thus the plant with nutrients and vital substances (micronutrients) – such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium – which are intended to promote growth, increase and secure the yield and improve the quality of value-giving ingredients.According to the origin, a distinction is made between economic … Dirbtinis trąšas

Maisto saugojimas

Before our food is available to us in food markets after industrial processing, it is subjected to long periods of storage. The storage period has a strong impact on the nutritional and vital substance content of the food. The most important environmental factors in food storage are oxygen, light, temperature and storage duration. They particularly … Maisto saugojimas

Maisto priedai

Food additives (synonyms: additives; food additives) are added during the production or treatment of food for technological – flow properties, consistency, foaming – or dietary reasons. Whether an ingredient is considered an additive depends not only on the quantity but also on whether the substance is used primarily for technological reasons. For example, if flavors, … Maisto priedai

Gamyklinis ūkininkavimas

Ekologiniame ūkininkavime pagrindinis principas yra optimalios gyvūnų sąlygos šėrimo ir auginimo srityse, daugiausia dėmesio skiriant jų gerovei. Pramoniniu požiūriu orientuotas žemės ūkis neatitinka palankios gyvulininkystei kriterijų, nes pirmajame plane yra pelningas derlius, o ne gyvūnas. Gyvūnai laikomi uždarose patalpose su… Gamyklinis ūkininkavimas

Pasėlių apsauga

Pesticides are plant protection products that are intended to protect plants or products from harmful organisms. In this way, they also act as growth regulators and destroy unwanted plants or parts of plants or inhibit their undesired reproduction. The collective term “pesticides” refers to all plant protection products such as insecticides, fungicides, acaricides (to control … Pasėlių apsauga

Maisto perdirbimas

Refining is a chemical as well as physical process that transforms salt and sugar, for example, into a refined and completely clean substance. From their original contaminated form, salt and sugar are purified through multiple repeated heating and washing as well as cleaning to remove pollutants and heavy metals. Loss of nutrients and vital substances … Maisto perdirbimas

Maisto gabenimo maršrutai

Before our food is available to us in food markets after industrial processing, it is subjected to long transportation routes. Transportation conditions have a strong impact on the nutritional and vital substance content (macro- and micronutrients) of the food. During transportation, food is often stored closely, in high volumes, and without adequate protection in harvest … Maisto gabenimo maršrutai

Maisto džiovinimas

In this process, the food is deprived of the water available to it in order to stabilize the product, depriving the harmful organism of a base necessary for it and thus extending the shelf life. In addition, the dehydration makes heat necessary, which consequently leads to a change in quality and often also to a … Maisto džiovinimas

Virtuvės apdirbimas

After food has been subjected to industrial processing, transportation and more or less long storage, it now arrives in the consumer’s kitchen for further processing. Again, many different treatment processes are used to bring the food to a ready-to-eat and edible state. On the one hand, the goals of processing are to reduce contaminants or … Virtuvės apdirbimas

Skrudintas maistas

Frying in a pan is done with the help of hot fat. Again, high temperatures and longer heating times are necessary. In addition to the loss of heat-labile vitamins, the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids is important, provided that the frying fat used has a high content of these fatty acids, such as olive, sunflower … Skrudintas maistas