Maisto išsaugojimo procedūros

In addition to physical processes, some chemical substances are also used to protect food from oxidation caused by oxygen, temperature, light or microorganisms. To delay food spoilage, substances are used to stop bacterial growth and multiplication. Such substances are, for example, fruit treatment agents that protect citrus fruits from rotting and fungal attack. However, larger … Maisto išsaugojimo procedūros

Virtuvės apdirbimas

Pramoniniu būdu perdirbtas, gabenamas ir ilgiau ar mažiau laikomas maistas patenka į vartotojo virtuvę tolesniam perdirbimui. Vėlgi, naudojama daug skirtingų apdorojimo procesų, kad maistas būtų paruoštas vartoti ir būtų valgomas. Viena vertus, apdorojimo tikslai yra sumažinti teršalus arba… Virtuvės apdirbimas

Skrudintas maistas

Kepti keptuvėje karštų riebalų pagalba. Vėlgi, būtina aukšta temperatūra ir ilgesnis šildymo laikas. Be karščiui nestabilių vitaminų praradimo, svarbu ir nesočiųjų riebalų rūgščių oksidacija, jei naudojamuose kepimo riebaluose yra daug šių riebalų rūgščių, tokių kaip alyvuogių, saulėgrąžų ... Skrudintas maistas

Maisto šildymas

Temperature is the most important physical parameter in food processing operations. Only in ranges of higher temperatures can microorganisms be killed. The higher the temperature, but also the intensity and time of processing, the greater the loss of nutrients and vital substances (macro- and micronutrients) of the respective processed foods. Especially the important unsaturated fatty … Maisto šildymas

Maisto kepimas

Deep-fried foods are not recommended because they are baked floating in hot fat, have little micronutrients due to their high fat and calorie content, and are therefore a burden on our health. During deep-frying, the fat is brought to particularly high temperatures – 140 to 200°C. Such prepared foods always have a harmful value for … Maisto kepimas

Maisto užšaldymas

Freezing ensures the safety of food from harmful microorganisms for a longer period of time, as they can no longer multiply. Enzymatic reactions are greatly slowed, which also counteracts premature spoilage. Low freezing temperatures at a minimum of -18°C are favorable in terms of food quality, as hardly any loss of vital substances (micronutrients) occurs … Maisto užšaldymas


Barbecuing over glowing coals and smoking meat and fish products increase the level of pollutants in food. In the process, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) – benzpyrene, benzfluorene – are formed in elevated quantities on the surface of the meat or fish when the fuel is burned. Originally, these substances are only present in small amounts … Kriketas


Baking bread and other pasta also entails losses of important ingredients as a result of water extraction. This is because during the baking process, water is extracted from the outer part of the crust in particular, due to the high temperatures in the oven and the long baking times – up to four hours. On … Kepimo

Apšvitintas maistas

Foods are sometimes irradiated with gamma rays, X-rays, or electron beams, which trigger chemical reactions there. Essential fatty acids – especially unsaturated fatty acids in vegetable oils – undergo oxidation and are thus converted into toxic compounds that can damage cells, cause atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) by increasing cholesterol levels, and even produce cancer. … Apšvitintas maistas

Maisto blanšavimas

Šiame procese, pavyzdžiui, daržovės dedamos į verdantį vandenį 2–8 minutėms, prieš jas atvėsinamos ir iškart užšaldomos. Dėl ilgos ir didelės šilumos netenkama 95% vitamino C, 60% vitamino B1 ir 40% vitamino B2.


Food can spoil not only by microorganisms, but also by contact with oxygen (atmospheric oxygen). Oxidation processes are also triggered by light and heat. Fats, proteins (albumen), vitamins and also colorants react sensitively. For example, oxidation processes cause fat to become rancid, apple pieces to turn brown and some vitamins to lose their effectiveness. Antioxidants … antioksidantas